Travel, ArtDan BeauchampApril 12, 2023Japan, Kofun, Tomb, Death, History, UNESCO, Osaka, Sakai, Land Art, King, Daisen Kofun, Shinto, Empire, Tourism, Excavation, Archaeology, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Amaterasu, Emperor Naruhito, Emperor Nintoku, Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group, Yamato Clan, Haniwa, Sculpture1 Comment Locked History: Japan’s Keyhole Tombs Colossal monuments testify to the nation’s mythic power. Travel, ArtDan BeauchampApril 12, 2023Japan, Kofun, Tomb, Death, History, UNESCO, Osaka, Sakai, Land Art, King, Daisen Kofun, Shinto, Empire, Tourism, Excavation, Archaeology, Hideyoshi Toyotomi, Amaterasu, Emperor Naruhito, Emperor Nintoku, Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group, Yamato Clan, Haniwa, Sculpture1 Comment
Art, TravelDan BeauchampSeptember 24, 2020The Art of Labor, Egypt, Ancient Egypt, Labor, Nile, Immortality, Eternal, Mastaba of Ti, Tomb of Ti, Funerary Complex of Djoser, Saqqara, Sakkara, Memphis, Class, Canon of Proportions, Death, Afterlife, Mummy, Mummification, Shabti, Necropolis, Tomb, MastabaComment The Eternal Work of Ancient Egypt For Ancient Egyptians, death did not mean the end of labor. Art, TravelDan BeauchampSeptember 24, 2020The Art of Labor, Egypt, Ancient Egypt, Labor, Nile, Immortality, Eternal, Mastaba of Ti, Tomb of Ti, Funerary Complex of Djoser, Saqqara, Sakkara, Memphis, Class, Canon of Proportions, Death, Afterlife, Mummy, Mummification, Shabti, Necropolis, Tomb, MastabaComment